A soundhealing session with me is a sound experience whereby a diversity of instruments will bring a broad range of frequencies which synchronize, balance and harmonize all layers of your body, mind and spirit. The frequencies are changing the brainwaves from a beta, alfa to a theta state. Your thinking mind, normally in a beta state, will slow down and the theta brainwave state will bring you in a deep relaxed meditative state. Besides that, the frequencies will balance your two brain hemispheres which result in more balance between the two parts and more balance between feminine and masculine energy. By relaxed listening to the tunes, your parasympaticus will be activated resulting in a rest and digest state and you will flow into a relaxed and open mindspace. In this session you don’t have to do anything, you don’t have to force anything, you don’t have to think anything, you don’t have to bring anything; you just come as your beautiful self, lay down with an eyemask, open your mind and your heart, you listen, you feel, relax and enjoy.
The instruments I use in this session are related to all the energy centers in the body. There will be rattles and drums to open up the energy centres in the lower parts of your body, I place Tibetan soundbowls directly on the middle parts of your body so the frequencies go directly in your system. I use rainsticks and rainbow drums to flow and let go and for the higher parts of your body I use high frequency instruments like tune forks, bells and wind chimes. This all combined with relaxed periods of time playing the 7 crystal soundbowls special tuned on 432Hz and special tuned on the different energy centers. By listening to the frequencies of the crystal soundbowls your energy centers will be harmonised, and your breath and energy will flow more easily through your body.
This sound healing session can be healing on different levels.
- On your physical level:
- On your emotional level:
- On your mental level:
- On your spiritual level:
You can heal yourself through surrendering to the frequencies of the different instruments and through surrendering to the pure crystal tones. Guide your own energy from your head to your hearth. I invite you to release, rebalance and harmonize your physical body, your emotional and mental state and your spaciousness of the soul. This session is a present for yourself or others, you don’t have to do anything, you can just lay down; surrender and relax! Feel welcome to tune in!
The exchange is:
1:1 is €100,- (for 1-1,5 hour).
1:2 is €150,- (for 2 hours). A couple session, friends session, mother/daughter session, birthday present etc.
Send an email for inquiries for small groups (3- max 8).
Location: Brouwersgracht 75G, Amsterdam
Book a session with Nicole and send an email to [email protected]